Happy birthday to me, dammit!!!

And a belated "welcome back" to our Congresscritters. It's going to be a very interesting month....
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My first blog! My title comes from a response to one of my comments at Eschaton. I thought it was a great compliment, and will endeavor to live up to it by posting as thoughtfully as I can. Of course, every now and then a rant may appear. But it will be a nuanced rant!
Many happy returns!
But I prefer yellow cake with chocolate frosting, so please make sure there's some at your party, 'kay?
You look maaah-velous, darling!!
And you sound even better. What a glorious voice. (For one soprano to say that about another -- well, you must be terrific!!) Your "Rejoice, Greatly" is absolutely beautiful -- dead-on pitch, rich timbre, precise ornamentation. What a pleasure. I can't wait for your CD. (You are doing a CD, right?)
Oh, yeah--happy birthday and many happy returns of the day.
I'd vote for you for president in a minute. :-)
thanks, you guys! :-) Soprano, you are one classy lady. I couldn't be more touched. Thank you VERY MUCH.
And NTodd...of course yellow cake will be available. All chocolate cake is food for the gods.
a large river dwelling mammal, a small avian creature, and a pair of female sheep.
hippo birdie two ewes.
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