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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

I don't know about you, but I think we Americans have been scared enough for the past 7 years.

So instead of posting a picture of Rudy JulieAndrews in drag, I'm linking to some of the cutest kitties on the InterWebs. If you haven't discovered Plush Life yet, you're in for a treat.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


I've been listening to Thom Hartmann today, as I do almost every day, and in a rare moment, he said something that upset me.

As a truly fair and balanced guy, Thom always has at least one Fascist on his program. (Recently, he even had the grand-daddy of all neo-cons, Norman Podhoretz, on the show.) After the lunatic du jour had finished foaming at the mouth about SCHIP and how we would be murdering children if it were not vetoed by the Texecutioner, a caller started criticizing the Fascist, and Thom said, "He's a decent guy. I don't want to attack him personally; I just disagree with his policies."

I know that we liberals/progressives are forgiving and tolerant, but there's a serious flaw in this idea, and I think it is one that should be addressed. Unless you are saying that conservative pundits don't believe their own policies and are just spouting right-wing nonsense to get paid (which is bad enough), you are somehow divorcing a person's policies from his/her personality. How in the world does that work?

My personality is optimistic about the nature of humanity. I believe that as a group, we are basically good people, but that we can be misled by propaganda, fear and malignant leaders into supporting policies that are not good for us. Thus, I am a liberal/progressive, and any ideas I have regarding government will come out of those beliefs. In contrast, according to John Dean's excellent book "Conservatives without Conscience," conservatives believe that people are inherently evil, and thus advocate for Big Brother to hold our "bad" impulses (homosexuality being one, terminating a pregnancy another) in check through governmental regulations.

The Fascists understand that attack politics works, and that character does matter, precisely because of this fundamental truth: that a decent person does not advocate against giving health insurance to children, or support bombing Iran for no reason, or say that torture is just dandy, or support the removal of habeas corpus and other Constitutional rights in the name of "security."

Fascist pundits are not decent people. Fascist politicians are not decent people. And if our Democratic leadership would have another "At long last, have you no decency, sir?" moment, it could go a long way towards waking Americans from our long Orwellian nightmare.

Breaking: Ice Cubes Discovered in Hell!

Or...someone in the Bush administration did not get promoted for his criminal and unethical behavior! The Fake News Conference Guy, John "Pat" Philbin, will not be the new Director of Public Affairs for Mike McConnell as planned.

But don't get too excited. It's not like Skeletor fired him.

DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff has called for disciplinary action for the fake news event, which was held last Tuesday at the height of the California fires. But Philbin’s departure from FEMA is not related to any disciplinary action within DHS.

Philbin had long-standing plans to retire last Friday and begin a new position today at the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. But the ODNI is distancing itself from Philbin and said in a statement today, “We do not normally comment on personnel matters. However, we can confirm that Mr. Philbin is not, nor is he scheduled to be, the Director of Public Affairs for the Office of the Director of National Intelligence."
As for the other FEMA employees involved in the faux-news-fest, I can't find any information on what happened to them, if anything. But Mr. Philbin appears to be the Fall Lackey for this particular attempt at catapulting the propaganda.

This is what we're astonished about these days - that a lying, criminal fool does not fail upward in the Bush Administration.

What a sad state of affairs.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Fake FEMA Press Conference - Fake Outrage from Chertoff

Skeletor pretends that he's shocked, SHOCKED I tell you, that his employees staged a press conference. But as usual, the expression of passionate outrage will not be followed by action.

Asked specifically if he planned to fire anyone at FEMA, which is part of his department, Chertoff declined to say, citing personnel rules.

"There will be appropriate discipline," he told reporters at a news conference with New York's governor where they announced an agreement on a driver's license plan.

Chertoff said he knew nothing about the matter until after it happened and that he "can't explain why it happened."
Ah yes, the buck stops at the Lackey level.

It's amazing how consistent these Bushies are, isn't it? Do they all go to Rove Indoctrination Camp to learn these strategies? Fake outrage? Blame the Lackey? Propaganda? Secrecy? Viciously attack anyone who disagrees with you? Bait and switch? Never do anything to help the American people if you can avoid it?

It seems like this story is actually getting through to the American people. The White House wagged a finger at FEMA. Chertoff made a strong statement. The question is, will there be any follow-up if no one is fired? Or will it fall off the media radar, as the victims of the California wildfires and of Hurricane Katrina have?

Friday, October 26, 2007

FEMA Decides They're Doing a Heckuva Job

From the Are You Fucking Kidding Me File:

FEMA stages fake news conference with P.R. people playing the role of journalists

Those weren't reporters questioning the deputy chief of FEMA earlier this week, they were federal employees playing the role of journalists during a televised briefing on the wildfires in southern California.

An agency spokesman tells The Washington Post that they didn't have time to wait for real reporters to come to their office near the U.S. Capitol. "We had been getting mobbed with phone calls from reporters, and this was thrown together at the last minute," Mike Widomski, FEMA's deputy director of public affairs, tells the paper.
This has been a horrible, horrible week for the victims of the wildfires in San Diego and the surrounding areas. How must they feel, knowing that their government is so disingenous, so terrified of its own constituents, that it feels it can't even face the milquetoast, cowed traditional media at a press conference? That its incompetence would blaze so bright that even Fox News Channel might be forced to point it out?

Perhaps they had a clue when Bush showed up for his 4-hour photo-op yesterday and said this:

"We've got a big problem out here," the president said near the end of his quick, four-hour visit. "We want the people to know there's a better day ahead - that today your life may look dismal, but tomorrow life's going to be better," Mr. Bush said. "And to the extent that the federal government can help you, we want to do so."
To the extent that the federal government can help you? We WANT to do so? Talk about parsing. Talk about the "meaning of 'is'." Gee, is it me, or does it seem that Bush actually promised NO HELP WHATSOEVER?

Yes, this is what you get when you buy into the neo-conservative idea that government shouldn't do anything to help people - a guy who thinks that the government shouldn't do anything to help people. Do we understand yet how bankrupt, how immoral, how completely and utterly WRONG this philosophy is? Or do the victims of Katrina and Rita have to be drowned all over again? Do more bridges have to collapse? Do we have to bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran, as John McCain would quip?

What is it going to take for the press to stop giving these neo-con, fascist freaks valuable time and money, to realize that their point of view is not valid and is, indeed, harmful to the United States - and for them to state these truths on the front page and on the Teevee?

The original story in the Washington Post was on page A-19, and I'll be shocked if any news program other than Countdown with Keith Olbermann picks it up. You'd think that fake news would be a huge story, reminding people of Pravda and all, but apparently, it's more important that Britney Spears did something or other today. Or was it Lindsay Lohan?

If I were a California resident who had lost my home, I would be both hopeful and pessimistic today. I'd be hopeful because the state has a Republican governor; but I'd be pessimistic because FEMA will not be coming to my aid. Not now, not ever - unless I want to live in a formaldehyde-ridden trailer. And that is a tragedy of American proportions.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Cheney Dreams of Torture

Darth couldn't be bothered to stay awake during the videoconference about the California wildfires. Not enough death to keep you interested, Dick?

Meanwhile, Rudy Giuliani just can't seem to say that waterboarding is torture.

So let me summarize. The Republican platform is:

1) I hate gays, brown people and Muslims;
2) No one can take away my AK-47;
3) If everyone isn't Christian, both the world and my haid will explode;
4) War good, killing good, torturing good, talking and Constitution baaaad;
5) I don't give a shit about anyone but me.

What does their bumper sticker look like?

"Fascist Sociopaths Unite! Vote Republican in 2008."

No wonder they have to steal elections.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Mukasey Update - Nice One, Democrats!

Heh-heh-heh. Looks like the Democrats were not so thrilled with Judge Michael Mukasey's hedging on waterboarding.

In response to Michael Mukasey's professed ignorance as to what waterboarding is, all eight Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee have sent Mukasey a detailed primer on the centuries-old torture technique. It includes some surprising historical details: did you know, for instance, that during the occupation of Japan, the U.S. prosecuted Japanese soldiers who waterboarded U.S. POWs?


The Senators write, "Please respond to the following question: Is the use of waterboarding, or inducing the misperception of drowning, as an interrogation technique illegal under U.S. law, including treaty obligations?"
Apparently, Mr. Mukasey will not be confirmed as Attorney General without answering that question. And it's a very important one, because Darth Cheney has famously claimed that using waterboarding in questioning suspected terrorists is a "no-brainer."

It looks like our Democratic Senators are learning how to screen the Deciderer's nominees - even the ones suggested by fellow Democrats as consensus-builders.

Very nicely done. Now, would you just listen to Chris Dodd about telecom immunity? Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama seem to have decided it's safe to follow his lead....

No One Escapes...The Mustache of Justice!

Not even Condi Rice! Or so TPM Muckraker reports.

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is scheduled to appear before the House Oversight and Goverment Reform Committee Thursday to answer questions about corruption within the Iraqi government, the possibility of political reconciliation in that war-ravaged country and the department's controversial security contract with Blackwater USA, according to a release from the committee.

Oversight Chairman Henry A. Waxman (D-Calif.) has been pressing Rice and other agency officials for months to testify about corruption and the department's contract with Blackwater. According to the release, committee members will also be asking about allegations of misconduct in the construction of the U.S. embassy compound in Baghdad.
It appears that the last Bushies may be starting to waver and fall.

The most effective thing the Democrats have done since gaining their small majority in Congress, in my opinion, has been to investigate corruption. Corruption in the Justice Department? Those investigations led to the resignations of both Alberto Gonzalez and Karl Rove. Corruption in the State Department? The investigations have been blocked so far by Secretary Rice's refusal to testify, but they have already uncovered missing billions, criminal mercenaries and fraudulent construction contracts.

Can Rice's resignation be far behind? She's already all but invisible. Despite all the lovely noises about diplomacy the Bushies are making, we almost never read about Dr. Rice actually, um, DOING anything...and when she does, it's usually the wrong thing, and with a minder like Robert Gates to hold her hand.

If I were perfect, like Ann Coulter, I would thank Jeebus for public servants like Henry Waxman. As it is, I'll have to be content with sending him thanks and $$$$.

I hope he understands.

UPDATE: State Department Lackey #1 Resigns.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Repeat After Me: Iran is Not a Threat.

Or so says the man who was right about Iraq's non-existent WMD.

[Mohammed] ElBaradei said force should be used only when all diplomatic options have failed, adding there was plenty of time for diplomacy, sanctions, dialogue and incentives to bear fruit.

"I want to get people away from the idea that Iran will be a threat from tomorrow, and that we are faced right now with the issue of whether Iran should be bombed or allowed to have the bomb," the Nobel peace prize winner said.

"We are not at all in that situation. Iraq is a glaring example of how, in many cases, the use of force exacerbates the problem rather than solving it."

Once again, it's bait-and-switch time. It's a double whammy - baiting us with Iraq, then switching to Iran; and baiting us with Joe Wilson, but switching to Valerie Plame.

Ms. Plame, in conjunction with the release of her book, Fair Game, has just disclosed that she was working on tracking Iran's nuclear intentions when her identity as an undercover CIA agent was leaked to the press by the Bushies. Common wisdom at the time was that the Bushies went after her to retaliate against her husband, who had just written an article stating that Bush's claims that Iraq was seeking nuclear material from Niger were patently false.

There was no question that this article was potentially extremely damaging to the pro-invasion cause. Ambassador Wilson's credentials were impeccable and he would be difficult to discredit. However, many have speculated that the true target of the leak was Ms. Plame herself.

George W. Bush made his "axis of evil" speech on January 29, 2002, long before the invasion of Iraq - and when Iran was led by the moderate President Khatami. Clearly, Iran was on Bush's mind. But why? Then as now, there was no indication at that time that Iran had any intention to attack America (or any other country), and Ahmadinejad, with his inflammatory anti-Israeli and anti-American rhetoric, was not the President.

Just as Alan Greenspan has admitted that Iraq was about oil (and, I would add, PNAC dreams of a world united under the American Empire), it seems obvious that the desire of many Bushies to attack Iran is about the same things.

Knowing that the desires for oil and power are not acceptable reasons to attack a country that has not attacked us, is it not possible that Bush and his cabal knew that Ms. Plame and her group were gathering intelligence that would disprove future claims of Iranian nuclear prowess? And that they acted to disable one of the CIA's most valuable assets before it could report that Iran had no nuclear weapons, just as Mohammed ElBaradei claims?

Ms. Plame herself believes the target of the Bushies' malevolence was indeed her husband and that she was just "collateral damage." Yet at the end of the interview, as reported by Raw Story, Ms. Plame said the following:

"I hope," said Plame, "that the American people have learned the lesson to pay close attention to what their leaders are saying and try to educate themselves and get as much information before we rush heading again into a disastrous war based on twisted intelligence."

Wouldn't it be so much easier to educate ourselves if we had Ms. Plame's reports on Iran's lack of nuclear weapons?

Friday, October 19, 2007

My Letter To Harry Reid

Hint, hint.

Dear Senator Reid,

I am extremely disappointed that you would wish to circumvent Senator Dodd's hold on the reprehensible Senate version of the FISA bill. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should the telecom companies be given immunity for their lawbreaking actions. Senator Dodd is right and you are simply wrong on this issue.

The American people do not like lawbreakers. By giving Bush what he wants in this bill, you are directly sanctioning lawbreaking. Is that truly the position you want the Democratic leadership to take?

Thank you,


Seriously, Harry. RULE OF LAW. Ring any bells for ya?

I'm really tired of this crap from our leadership. We need more people like Chris Dodd...and like Representative Pete Stark from California. WOW.

Of course, the pundits are clutching their pearls about Pete Stark's remarks. On Countdown with Keith Olbermann last night, Dana Milbank opined that Stark should apologize. Why? Because President Bush "is a person and obviously does not enjoy killing people."

On top of the evidence in the link above, I would like to point to Bush's reputation as the "Texecutioner," executing 152 people as Governor, and to his mocking of Karla Faye Tucker's plea for leniency in her death penalty sentencing. Of course, since Bush and his cabal have taken over our government, literally millions of people have died in Iraq and Afghanistan. This is not an accident.

No, Stark should not apologize. Like Chris Dodd, he's finally telling it like it is.

It's refreshing to hear the truth coming out of Washington, isn't it?


Mukasey Wednesday: Torture is unconstitutional. The Bybee memo was a mistake, a sin, and I WILL stand up to Bush.

Mukasey Thursday: Uhhhhh, waterboarding, well, I'm not sure if THAT's torture. Hamenah hamenah hamenah...

Do they have pictures of him with a goat?

I know that this guy will be better than Alberto Gonzalez, because Ellen Degeneres' dog Iggy would be an improvement, but it looks like Mukasey won't be closing Gitmo or admitting that the United States now tortures as a matter of course.

What I wonder about is, will he finally enforce the subpoenas on Harriet Miers and Josh Bolten? If not, will the House Judiciary Committee resort to inherent contempt to force them to testify?

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Chris Dodd Says NO to FISA Bill!!!

Okay....maybe HE gets my vote. (Tell Senator Dodd how much he rocks at the link!)

Note to other Senators who are running for Preznit: THIS IS HOW IT'S DONE. Use your power any way you can to stand up to the President and his lunatic, paranoid, fascist agenda. Come on, guys, the Deciderer is talking (and giggling) about starting World War III! What's it gonna take?!

I hope that Dodd's spinicular fortitude will inspire our Congresscritters. Or perhaps the avalanche of thank-you letters he gets will make them jealous.

Either way, he is setting a great example, and he deserves our heartfelt thanks.

UPDATE: Looks like Senator Obama discovered the hold before Senator Dodd...this time on the nomination of the election-stealer that Bush wanted to be in charge of the Federal Election Commission. Exxxxxxxxxcellent!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Mukasey - A Non-Fascist Republic?

Hmmmm....this could be interesting.

WASHINGTON — Attorney General-designate Michael Mukasey said Wednesday the president doesn't have the authority to use torture techniques against terrorism suspects, a stance not taken by predecessor Alberto Gonzales and considered key to the nominee's confirmation.

Mukasey repudiated a 2002 memo by then-Assistant Attorney General Jay Bybee that said the president has the power to issue orders that violate the Geneva Conventions as well as international and U.S. laws prohibiting torture. The memo was later disavowed and overridden by an executive order governing interrogation and treatment of terrorism suspects, which allowed harsh questioning of suspects but included a vaguely worded ban on cruel and inhuman treatment.

"The Bybee memo, to paraphrase a French diplomat, was worse than a sin, it was a mistake. It was unnecessary," Mukasey told the Senate Judiciary Committee under questioning by Chairman Patrick Leahy, D-Vt.
In the Frontline documentary on Dick Cheney and his cabal last night, one thing was very clear: The Administration was greatly assisted in its grab for extraordinary executive power by Alberto Gonzalez and the DOJ. Attorneys such as David Addington and John Yoo crafted signing statements and influential opinions that purported to justify that the President had unlimited power, and for six horrible years, the President governed just that way.

Looks like the DOJ could be a bit more principled with Mukasey at the head...

Gore...No More


What a tragedy.

Looks like Senator Clinton gets my vote after all. I just don't see any of the others making it past the Fascist Media shredding machine.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


I haven't mentioned Ann Coulter's mind-blowing statements on The Big Idea with Donnie Deutsch, mainly because it's taken me a while to process my outrage and horror. But here's how I feel about it.

Jesus said, "Turn the other cheek."

Ann Coulter said, "We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity. We weren't punctilious about locating and punishing only Hitler and his top officers. We carpet-bombed German cities; we killed civilians. That's war. And this is war."

If Ann's version of "Christianity" is perfection, then thank the Giant Green Lizard this Jewish woman hasn't reached it.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Blog About the Environment Day!

Most Americans, excepting brainwashed Rushbots, now realize that global warming is real and a crisis. Even the Deciderer has recently dropped his once hard-line stance on the issue. Of course, his idea of taking action comes down to prayer and privatization, as usual. (Heh-heh. Wouldn't wanna offend Exxon-Mobil!)

Love or hate Al Gore (Run, Al, Run!!!), you have to give him credit for his tireless, decades-long efforts to bring this issue to the forefront of the American mind. But why is it only now, when people can actually see the effects of global warming for themselves - stronger hurricanes, more extreme weather like flooding, early snowfall and tornadoes, hotter average temperatures - that we are finally willing to do something about it?

I'm a little bitter on this subject, because I remember Jimmy Carter's presidency very well. I was in eighth grade, and my teacher was explaining why the President was putting solar panels on the White House, why there were suddenly lines at the gas station, why we had to turn our thermostats down and use less paper in our homes. This was 1978. 1978! Almost 30 years ago, around the same time Al Gore was beginning his long crusade, Jimmy Carter was trying to lead our country away from endless wars over oil, and towards a more responsible energy policy.

Did Americans listen? No, we did not. We fell for the con game of one of the worst Presidents in history, Ronald Reagan, who told us "Hey, everybody, I know it looks bad now, but if you all just go shopping with these shiny credit cards - like I'll do! - everything will be fine! You can still have the American dream, and you won't have to sacrifice a darn thing!" And don't we just love to think the impossible is true in this country? Don't we just love to pretend everything is fine and dandy, as Frank Rich wrote so memorably yesterday?

So here we are, after almost 30 years of environmental ostriching, and waddaya know? Jimmy Carter was right! And of course, there's this guy named Al Gore who just won't go away, and so sorry, but they don't usually give out the Nobel Peace Prize to cranks and crackpots (okay, Kissinger was an exception).

As much as the general short-sightedness and laziness of Murkins makes me crazy, we are no different from the rest of the human race. We are simply not built for long-range planning. Most of us feel we shouldn't act until a crisis is upon us, at which point we go into a flurry of panicked activity. Said activity can be effective - we did, after all, stop using aerosols and DDT - but not nearly as effective as prevention.

We humans have the same tendencies in every area of our lives. One example is our health. We don't fix our diet and exercise habits until we have heart attacks or strokes; even then, we'd rather be on 14 different prescription medications than change our way of life.

If we are to advance out of our current childlike state, I believe the human race needs to create a new Enlightenment. We need to start looking ahead 30, 50, 200 years and planning for a future we will never see. We need to make peace and global responsibility our new mantras and leave bumper stickers and flag pins behind. We need to give up our selfish short-sightedness and start becoming true stewards of this beautiful Earth we have inherited. Otherwise, we may not survive into the 22nd century - and really, would it be such a great loss?

Sunday, October 14, 2007

What Frank Rich Said.

Many, many years too late, some brave few in the traditional media have finally begun making the Fascist/Nazi/Bushie connection many of us have been screaming about since the Supreme Court stole the presidency from Al Gore.

Frank Rich is one of them.

Our moral trajectory over the Bush years could not be better dramatized than it was by a reunion of an elite group of two dozen World War II veterans in Washington this month. They were participants in a top-secret operation to interrogate some 4,000 Nazi prisoners of war. Until now, they have kept silent, but America’s recent record prompted them to talk to The Washington Post.

“We got more information out of a German general with a game of chess or Ping-Pong than they do today, with their torture,” said Henry Kolm, 90, an M.I.T. physicist whose interrogation of Rudolf Hess, Hitler’s deputy, took place over a chessboard. George Frenkel, 87, recalled that he “never laid hands on anyone” in his many interrogations, adding, “I’m proud to say I never compromised my humanity.”

Our humanity has been compromised by those who use Gestapo tactics in our war. The longer we stand idly by while they do so, the more we resemble those “good Germans” who professed ignorance of their own Gestapo. It’s up to us to wake up our somnambulant Congress to challenge administration policy every day. Let the war’s last supporters filibuster all night if they want to. There is nothing left to lose except whatever remains of our country’s good name.

According to Senator Bernie Sanders, progressive and Independent from Vermont, the reason that Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi don't force the Fascists to filibuster on the war is that all other business would cease while it continued. While I understand that line of thinking, I agree with Mr. Rich. There IS no other business until this war ends and our Constitution is restored. We are slowly becoming a fascist state, and going shopping won't fix it.

There are massive anti-war demonstrations on October 27th. NTodd has many ideas at Pax Americana. Whatever your way of protesting, I hope you are doing it loudly, strongly and often.

It's the American way. At least, it used to be.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

A Separation of Faith and State

Lately, I've been thinking a lot about the insidious replacement of facts with faith in all areas of life, but most harmfully, in politics.

How many times has President Bush said he prays for this or that group of people? Yet our compliant press never questions him further after he invokes his "faith." Journamalists and pundits even ask politicians if they pray for the troops. What difference could that possibly make? Are the troops less dead because Nancy Pelosi or anyone else prays for them? Are their wounds less grevious, are their hearts less broken, are their families less destroyed? And what about the millions of dead, wounded and displaced Iraqis? Have prayers helped them?

But no one seems to ask those questions - they're taboo in our current faith-based society. Apparently, professing faith is a magic wand that waves all responsibility away and stops all brains from processing. It's amazing how none of the traditional media point out that some of the world's most nefarious politicians claimed to have faith. Hitler comes to mind - not only was he possessed of a terrifying faith in the German myth of the Superman, but he was also insistent on establishing Christianity as the One True Religion.

I am so proud of the founders of our country for putting a firm separation between church and State into the Constitution. But thanks to the far-right Fascist movement that has taken over our discourse, we now need a separation of faith and state.

We have gone so far backwards in our thinking that we have "faith-based initiatives" instead of programs that actually help people with real problems. Prayer can never replace governmental action and responsibility: rebuilding levees and cities destroyed by natural disasters; caring for our sick, our weak and our poor; creating jobs; rebuilding infrastructure; planning for the future of our planet; and on and on.

These feelings are one reason why I am so gung-ho on Al Gore, who wrote a book dealing with this subject. I would like a President who believes in science and facts, not prayer, as solutions to real-world problems.

Would that be so much to ask?

Friday, October 12, 2007

Al Gore Wins! (The Nobel Peace Prize, That Is.)

Wow. Just, wow.

Sharing the prize with the IPCC...

"for their efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change, and to lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract such change"
This man is a statesman. This man is a leader. This man has hit the REAL trifecta.

The world awaits his next move...

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

October 15th - Blog About the Environment Day

Can't post much today, but there's a movement afoot (sponsored by The Great Orange Satan) to make Blogistan shout "Pay Attention to Global Warming!" on October 15th.

Of course, those of us wishin' and hopin' for Al Gore might include a few words about him on that day as well...especially if he wins the Nobel on October 12th.

This bloggista is in.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007


When will progressives learn that the traditional media lies about Democrats? Apparently, never.

Here's some detailed information about the new FISA legislation STRENGTHENING FISA and giving Bush...nothing.

I must say, I think that Fascists have a point about liberals and progressives. Some of us ARE whiners. Moreover, we are so ready to believe the worst about our representatives that we are very easily led by the rightwing echo chamber into screaming how worthless, how weak, how useless the Democrats are, even when they are doing the right thing. Heckuva job, us!!!

Say what you will about the Fascists, and believe me, I do - they don't give up. It took them 40 years to get where they are today, and they've had a whole six years of sweet, sweet power because of their efforts. They have also succeeded in completely destroying the Republican Party and uniting 70% of the country behind the progressive agenda, but hey! They were committed and they accomplished their objectives for a time. Why can't we borrow some of their spine and determination?

And why can't we acknowledge that yes, Democrats ARE better than Fascists. Yes, they do a lot of things right. Yes, their ideas are usually good. Deal with it. Our side is the right side!

I'm so tired of hearing people bitch and moan about the Democratic Congress. If we won't even take the trouble to correctly inform ourselves, then we shouldn't devolve into hysteria every time a misleading story is planted about in the traditional media.

We should all take a breath before we jump.

Bait-and-Switch: Intelligence Style

Remember how Bush simply cannot BRING himself to follow the FISA rules, because they are so outdated and Nine Eleven Blah Blah Blah? He needs them to purtect Murka from the evildoing terraists!!!

Well, it looks like the people who are getting him the intelligence he's actually using are these people called SITE.

I'm sorry, what?

That's right, after creating an Office of Special Plans that cherry-picks intelligence prior to handing it over to Dick "Not Executive Branch!" Cheney, issuing millions of fake terror alerts from the new Department of Das Vaterland Security, and eviscerating the Constitution and the Bill of Rights to eavesdrop on Democrats and Quakers, it turns out that we have switched our real intelligence-gathering services to...some 44-year-old woman named Rita Katz.

A small private intelligence company that monitors Islamic terrorist groups obtained a new Osama bin Laden video ahead of its official release last month, and around 10 a.m. on Sept. 7, it notified the Bush administration of its secret acquisition. It gave two senior officials access on the condition that the officials not reveal they had it until the al-Qaeda release.

Within 20 minutes, a range of intelligence agencies had begun downloading it from the company's Web site. By midafternoon that day, the video and a transcript of its audio track had been leaked from within the Bush administration to cable television news and broadcast worldwide.

The founder of the company, the SITE Intelligence Group, says this premature disclosure tipped al-Qaeda to a security breach and destroyed a years-long surveillance operation that the company has used to intercept and pass along secret messages, videos and advance warnings of suicide bombings from the terrorist group's communications network.

"Techniques that took years to develop are now ineffective and worthless," said Rita Katz, the firm's 44-year-old founder, who has garnered wide attention by publicizing statements and videos from extremist chat rooms and Web sites, while attracting controversy over the secrecy of SITE's methodology. Her firm provides intelligence about terrorist groups to a wide range of paying clients, including private firms and military and intelligence agencies from the United States and several other countries.

The precise source of the leak remains unknown. Government officials declined to be interviewed about the circumstances on the record, but they did not challenge Katz's version of events. They also said the incident had no effect on U.S. intelligence-gathering efforts and did not diminish the government's ability to anticipate attacks.

Wow. We get our fake Bin Laden videos from Rita Katz?


Monday, October 8, 2007

Good News Monday!

I'm under the weather and too busy to breathe, but...this news made me cry.

A confidant of Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said Monday that his government would support a division of Jerusalem, which is reportedly a key component of an Israeli-Palestinian declaration to be made at a U.S.-sponsored Mideast peace conference next month.

As part of recent negotiations between the sides, Deputy Vice Prime Minister Haim Ramon has proposed turning over many of the Arab neighborhoods of east Jerusalem to the Palestinians. Ramon said the Palestinians could establish the capital of a future state in the sector of the city, which Israel captured from Jordan in the 1967 Mideast war.

In return, Israel would receive the recognition of the international community, including Arab states, of its sovereignty over Jewish neighborhoods and the existence of its capital there, Ramon said.

On Monday Ramon said even hawkish elements of Olmert's coalition, like Cabinet Minister Avigdor Lieberman's Yisrael Beiteinu Party, would back such an Israeli concession. The centrist Labor Party would also support the proposal, Ramon said.
One of the most shameful legacies of the Bush Administration has been its refusal to do anything to resolve the problems in Israel. There were some half-hearted efforts at the beginning - remember the "road map?" - but essentially, all has been quiet on the Chimp front for the entirety of his presidency. But as the article suggests, the Deciderer has changed his strategy. The United States has finally become involved, and all of a sudden, progress appears to be happening.

If you really want to fight a "global war on terrorism," get to the root cause. With the exception of Al-Qaeda, most of the groups we designate as terrorists - Hamas, Hezbollah, etc. - are active because of the existence and actions of the Israeli government. Whatever side you are on in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, resolving it takes the impetus for these groups away. A sane administration would realize that.

But we all know that an administration that prides itself in not talking to "evildoers," that is seriously considering using nuclear weapons on a country that has not attacked us, that invades and occupies countries for their natural resources, that exists mostly to move wealth from the poorest to the richest in America...well, how long is it till 2009 again?

Friday, October 5, 2007

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Gore Encore!

Well, from my (admittedly quick) reading of the many emails on the Netroots for Gore group, it appears that some folks want to just add his name to the ballot, such as the "California For Gore" group, and some feel that after the Nobel Prizes are handed out on October 12, Our Al will finally say Yes or No.

I find myself more in the October 12th camp. If the man who "used to be the President of the United States" definitively states that he is not up for a second run - and there could be many reasons for this, not the least being how he was treated the first time - then there is nothing we can, or should, do to try to force him into it.

However, if he says he is open to it, I think a huge letter-writing campaign, freeway blogging with "Run, Al, Run!" signs, and whatever else we can think of SHOULD BE DONE to convince our man that we really, really like him. And if, delirium-inducing possibility indeed, he jumps in the race - he's got my time AND my money, although, most probably, he won't need them.

Just my two cents.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

A New Feature - Bush Beliefs of the Day!

Yes, folks, directly from the mind of the Deciderer!

The Bait-and-Switch Administration

Coming into the final, torturous days of the awful reign of the Bush Cabal, I've been thinking that the entire enterprise can be summed up in three words: Bait-and-Switch.

Hasn't every single endeavor they have engaged been a bait-and-switch? Case in point: The "War on Terror."

The Bushies declared war on a feeling, then went into Afghanistan and failed to catch Osama bin Laden. That was the bait. At that point, Americans had accepted the "war on terror" frame, so they simply switched the frame to include Iraq. To this day, you'll hear Bushies and other war defenders claiming that Iraq is a central front in the war on terror.

Same thing with the tax cuts. No president in history has ever cut taxes in a time of war, and there's a good reason - because war costs a lot of money, especially if you're planning to outsource and privatize every aspect of it. (At this point, 40% of our war budget goes to private contractors.) But never mind - the Clintonian surplus was bad, and debt was good. So Bush screamed from the high heavens that he had just made American living so much more easy and beautiful by cutting our taxes. Remember when you got that refund check in the mail? Wow, free money from the government! Bush is teh awesomest preznit evah!

That was the bait. But what Bush and his cabal really did was to switch the true tax cuts to the wealthiest of Americans. It turned out that check in the mail was just an advance on next year's refund - a fact which was quite deliberately obscured by the Administration. Now, in the interminable sixth year of our long national nightmare, the dollar is weaker than the Canadian dollar. Meanwhile, rich Americans are becoming richer, while working Americans are poorer, have less health insurance, and are losing their houses. And as for the Clintonian surplus, well, do the words "Trillion-Dollar Deficit" mean anything to you?

But what is his solution for this economic crisis? Making the tax cuts permanent! As Atrios would say, Wheeeeeeeeee!

It's all in a day's work for the Bait-and-Switch Administration.

North Korea No Bomb - Iran No Bomb Too?

You know what? There's actually some good news out of North Korea today.

BEIJING — North Korea will provide a complete list of its nuclear programs and disable its facilities at its main reactor complex by Dec. 31, actions which will be overseen by a U.S.-led team, according to a statement released Wednesday by the six nations involved in disarmament talks.

The U.S. has been involved in six-party talks in North Korea for the past four years, and amazingly, THEY WORKED. Isn't it funny how not bombing countries with nuclear programs can be so effective?

Unfortunately, Fear and Loathing, Inc. will, as always, fail to learn the right lesson from this positive result. If asked by the compliant and complicit traditional media why they can't enter six-party talks with Iran as well, they'll say that Iran is killing our soldiers in Iraq and is harboring a terrorist organization. (Gee, sounds just like Saudi Arabia! Why don't we bomb them then?)

What they won't tell you is the truth, which even Alan Greenspan admitted recently. If an unfriendly country has oil, any excuse to invade and steal its resources will do.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Pawns - A Dream of Iraq

I had a crazy dream last night. Randi Rhodes and I were embedded with Navy troops ready to ship out to Iraq. They gave us cool jackets and we wrote our names on them with red Magic Markers. We were excited and terrified.

As the giant ship started its engines, the kid in front of me vomited Oreo cookies. I thought, "Huh. I never realized the expression was literal." All of a sudden, we realized that the rumbling sound we were hearing was not diesel, but applause. We looked up, and we were in a huge stadium with the Fox News ensignia emblazoned everywhere. Cameras were on us, and hundreds of thousands of people were cheering us on. I asked the woman in front of me what was going on and why we weren't leaving. She said, "Oh! We have to wait a couple of days until Fox is ready to broadcast it. We'll wait here until their audience is satisfied."

The decisions about the occupation of Iraq aren't made with the safety of the troops in mind. They are made by a madman whose only consideration is keeping his warmongering followers happy.

Monday, October 1, 2007

And Most Self-Deluded Member of the Senate Award Goes to...

of course, Larry Craig.

Seriously, Larry. Get out now. It's too late for dignity, too late for honesty, too late for anything but retiring to Nicaragua in disgrace.

And given your latest votes against habeas corpus and against the amendment that would make violence against your GLBT compatriots a couldn't happen to a nicer guy.